❧ B I O G R A P H Y ☙ | ❧ G A L L E R Y ☙ | ❧ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☙ | ❧ S T O R Y ☙

❧ The Emperor's Butterfly ☙

« Why is it still raining? I did what I was supposed too? »

❧ Daughter of the hare and the broken cat, born in the wintery forest of Coethras Central Highlands. With the itch to adventure and find a new meaning to her life she left her home to find her destiny, somewhere outside of the repetitive nature of her home. Little did she know her adventure would send her through many ups and downs.. Elorie Mhillo, your destiny awaits you..

❧ The Warrior of Light? That made her nervous, she didn't know much about saving people from primals but she was willing to help save those in need. Very conflicted about how to approach this situation

❈ Elorie's Song ❈